Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thank-You & Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support shown over the last couple of days! I hope I will have the chance to be able to work with you all one way or another whether your baby is get their senior pictures taken or your its your family pictures!

I also wanted to say Happy New Year. May this year bring you great happiness and laughter!

-Bright Lights Staff

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bright Lights Photography by Megan!

Hi There,

I wanted to give you a little background about me! And tell you Bright Lights is here and up and running!

Well, my family and I moved to Traer (IA) when I was in the 1st grade. Growing up I didn't really think about photography, I concentrated on sports, soccer most of all. So when I first started to get into photography I was in high school. There I joined the Yearbook Staff and really enjoyed taking pictures! After being in the yearbook I started taking pictures of my younger brother and sister in the various sports they played, for my mom so she could scrapbook. As high school graduation was approaching I was faced with the big question, "What are you going to do with the rest of your life?" 

As graduation came and went I decided I was going to graduate from the University of Northern Iowa with a teaching degree in Physical Education. After a year or so I wasn't happy with were I was or what I was doing. That summer over break I found myself walking our family dog, and one day I decided to take along my mom's little digital camera. I was hooked! I started taking pictures of everything! Back at school the next fall I had decided to switch my major to photography.

After switching majors I took a couple "photography" classes at UNI, but I still wasn't happy with where I was. After some encouragement from my mom I applied to Hawkeye Community College and their Photography Program. I received my acceptance letter and right away called my mom. I was so excited, so that Winter break I packed up my dorm room and moved back home, and started Hawkeye in the spring.

That 1st spring semester I was at Hawkeye I took a few business classes, and in the Fall of 2010 I started the Profession Photography Program. I was so excited and nervous. That first day I remember getting out of class and thinking, "Oh my gosh, how am I going to remember all of this!" I got through that 1st semester just fine! I had started a job/internship the summer before my 1st semester of photography classes at Mo Co Creative Services and throughout that 1st year and through that summer I worked for Molly Clubb, the owner, as an assistance/photographer.

I just want to take a moment here and say that I am ever so thankful for the opportunity. With that job I learned so much, and would like to say thank-you to Molly. So thank-you Molly for the opportunity to work with you!

So after my 1st year of photography classes I started my 2nd year of classes, and it has been so much fun. Learning and doing what I love! So here we are a week before my last semester at Hawkeye and I have just bought Molly's photography business from her! (Mo Co. Creative Services is still going strong and is proud to offer everything a big city advertising agency does right here in Traer.)

Thank-you for taking some time and getting to know me a little bit! I hope that I will have a chance to get to know you a little bit too! 

Feel free to check out the rest of our website! Be sure to check out the Promotions page. Look for us to be up on Facebook the 1st of the year!

We are booking sessions now! Hope to hear from you soon! Also, basketball and wrestling pictures from the start of the season will be going up on the Redhawks Sports Page soon, be sure to check it out!